
In the village, children above 15 years of age, not willing to pursue further studies are given Vocational Training to become self-dependent and to supplement their family income. Generally boys learn two-wheeler mechanisms and driving. Girls and women are given training in tailoring, embroidery, wire knitting and beautician courses. In collaboration with Montfort Technical Institute, boys are trained as Electricians, Plumbers, Turners and Welders. Mother Teresa Trust in a special way organizes camps for girls living in rural areas, to give them a deeper understanding of themselves, Physically, Psychologically and Empower them with fellow women to face life in all its nuances.

Women of very low strata of the society, who are below the poverty line are encouraged to come together as a small viable Self Help Group, to make them economically stronger. They are made to realize their own skills and strengths and the changes they can bring to their families and society. Mother Teresa Trust has over 120 such groups spread all over the 11 villages. One Self Help Group, “ASIRMEHA” is successfully running a Catering Restaurant of the same name at Sai Nagar, a floating place in Chennai. This is besides many others who are engaged in various entrepreneurial activities.
Mother Teresa Trust has established close network with leading hospitals like A.G.Hospital, Deepam Hospital, also voluntary medical Foundations like Helen Davis Memorial Medical Foundation. Our very respectful Lions clubs and Rotary clubs often join with us to conduct massive camps. With the assistance of these hospitals, foundations and clubs, Medical Camps were conducted periodically in target areas to assess the health conditions of children to elders, and identify their health needs and provide Free spectacles. Appropriate check-up is done in terms of further treatment, if necessary.

Celebrations are the integral part of any community development. Mother Teresa Trust takes the initiative of celebrating festivals like Pongal, Diwali, Christmas, etc. Besides national and regional festivals, the International Women’s Day is also celebrated. The celebrations will go on for a week long in all the 11 villages. Various games and other fun-filled activities will be conducted on that day. Many workshops will also be conducted to commemorate this day, focusing on the importance of women in our lives and in the world that we live in. Awareness programs are held which include topics like women’s rights, gender equality, women empowerment, etc. We never forget to celebrate the following festivals like Literacy Day, Teachers’ Day, Child Labour Abolition Day, Human Rights Day, World Tuberculosis Day, etc.
On part of the pongal day celebrations, we conduct various activities that foster the spirit of oneness. We conduct many traditional games that showcase the culture of the Tamil people. They include Uriyadi, Manju virattu, Tug of war, kolam, mettling to traditional tunes and folk dances. We celebrate ‘samathuva’ pongal, where pongal will be prepared by the people and later shared with everyone. Each person brings an ingredient from their house, as all these various ingredients blend together resulting in a delicious sweet dish, the pongal. This significance of celebrating ‘samathuva’ pongal is that, just like the ingredients different people irrespective of their caste, creed or religion prepare the dish which turns out to be delicious. This symbolizes that when people of different backgrounds come together the spirit of oneness is kindled which promotes harmony.

Notebooks & Uniforms
MTT provides free books, notebooks, uniforms and school bags to all school going children in 11 villages every year. It is to encourage and support them to maintain discipline. Deserving students are supported by paying fees, even till college and by providing uniforms.