Our Focus

We provide supplementary education to bridge the gap between the dull and intelligent students. Our objective is to make the children begin their schooling from the age of 5. The students will be made to complete their 10th std, in order to decrease the dropout rates especially among the Dalit communities.
We encourage children to attend these classes by providing free uniforms and free books. At the moment, supplementary classes are being conducted in 6 centres. More than 250 students attend these classes in each of these centres.
Apart from this, MTT conducts various programs like educational trips, workshops, book mela, cultural trips, etc to sharpen the memory power of students and also help them to know about the world in which they live in. By using newsletters, paper clippings, magazines, books, essays, articles, journals, etc we make children get to know about their surroundings and people. We conduct literacy classes for illiterate adults. The Literacy programme has benefitted 108 adults.

The biggest issue that we face today is the empowerment of women. Across the world, educating and empowering women has proven time and again to be the catalyst for rapid socio-economic growth. Conversely, societies where women are suppressed belong mostly to the backward classes.
Women are undoubtedly the foundation of the basic unit of the society, the family. Even in traditional roles, they demonstrate great innovation, skill, intelligence, hard work and commitment. MTT pays great attention to the rights of women. There are women sanghas in all 11 villages. Women participate in the decision-making process and their response is more than that of men. We lay emphasis in building women’s mass movement which fights for equal status and dignity and also fights against atrocities faced by women.
Physically Handicapped
Elderly care is the fulfillment of the special needs and requirements that are unique to senior citizens. This broad term encompasses services such as assisted living, adult day care, long term care, nursing homes and home care. We provide food, shelter, bedding and accommodation for the elderly homeless people. Special medical attention is given to them. We make sure that a homely atmosphere is maintained by engaging them in various recreational activities. Our aim is to serve elder needs in a holistic manner enabling them to live active, dignified and healthier lives.
Physically challenged people are pushed to the margin and are not given mere importance in the society. They are looked down by the society, as they cannot do anything on their own and are always dependent on others. MTT breaks this stereotypical notion by bringing these people to the centre. We make sure that these people are trained by our vocational instructors who teach them various courses, which will help them to earn for themselves. Thus we make them as strong and independent individuals who are ready to face the challenges of the world by standing on their own leg.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
- Sir Winston Churchill
A healthy man without any disease is considered to be the wealthiest man in the world. People are not aware of diseases that affect them and do not know how to cure them. In order to promote a healthy lifestyle, MTT promotes healthcare services.
Our healthcare program has got two dimensions:
Preventive - In Preventive, people are taught preventive measures that can be taken to avoid a disease.
The health education program consists of treatments and preventive measures that can be taken to avoid diseases like sore eyes, scabies, water-borne diseases, malnutrition, etc and are taught about immunization and personal hygiene.
Curative - In Curative, people are taught the ways to treat and cure a disease. In this type, we teach them to make medicines.
Apart from these, we also teach them to identify different medicinal herbs. We train them in extracting medicine from these plants. Our teaching method is very simple and practical. The topics for discussion include the human body consisting of the Central Nervous System, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, Reproductive system among the others. We have conducted medical camps which includes General check-up, eye check-up, tuberculosis, HIV AIDS, etc. An average of 120 people were benefitted in each of these centres.